Upper Cumberland Community Conversation

Inviting families and educators of school-aged students involved in Special Education to share thoughts on strengthening family engagement in special education.

Lawrenceburg Special Education Support Group

Please join us as Beth Warren from Signal Center discusses how to access high tech and low tech communication devices, how to implement them in schools and at home. Pizza and drinks will be provided and this event is free. You may also join virtually. 

Lincoln and Moore Counties and Fayetteville City Transition Fair

Please join us for food, drinks, and door prizes! Lincoln County Schools along with Moore County and Fayetteville City Schools are hosting an In-Person Transition Fair for students with obstacles to learning and work - including those with an IEP, 504 plan or diagnosis. Families are invited! There will be state and local vendors available […]

Tullahoma City Special Education Support Group

Please join us for food and conversation as Beth Warren from Signal Center shares information on communication support for students who need alternative options. Beth will be able to answer questions regarding how alternative and augmentative communication testing occurs, how to acquire technology support, potential insurance coverage of devices, and how to support your student […]


WorkAbleTN will guide you to appropriate resources and help boost your confidence to advocate for what you want. Come to us with questions about working and we will brainstorm with you

Virtual West TN Virtual Parent Support Group: Stages of Transitions

Join us as we dive into the three stages of transitions: Early childhood to Elementary, Middle to High, High School to Post-Secondary. Register for the Zoom meeting here- https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvcO2vrD0uHt1Pf-darSAwb7R2cHeLMgKi Contact Katrina VanBuren (kvanburen@thearctn.org) or Annette Graves (agraves@thearctn.org) with questions.

Giles County Special Education Support Group

Angela Mull

Please join us for food, drinks, and conversations! Transition information for all ages! The TN Center for Decision Making support will be sharing information on Conservatorship, Alternatives to Conservatorship, ABLE Accounts, Vocational Rehabilitation services, when to start thinking about post secondary transition, and more!

Spanish Transition Fair

Sarah Simpson Professional Development Center 801 Tipton Avenue, Knoxville, TN

IEP 101

Join us on Monday, March 6 for an informational meeting on all thing IEP!