Great news for working families who have children with IEPs and qualify for FMLA!
The US Department of Labor recently wrote a letter which says working families who need to take time off to attend their child’s IEP meeting can to do so under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). You can read the letter from the Department of Labor below.

The opinion letter says that parents who need to miss work to attend any meeting held under the IDEA (federal special education law), including IEP meetings, qualify for “intermittent leave” under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). For parents who struggle to balance work and advocating for services and supports their children need at school, this news will help with flexibility to take time off from work for important school meetings.
You can read the Department of Labor Letter HERE for more information. Just be aware that in order to use FMLA for an IEP meeting, your child must have a serious health condition that will be addressed during the meeting. Not all employers are required to provide FMLA, but it doesn’t hurt to ask for the time off. Generally, you should give at least 30 days notice if possible and follow your employer’s procedure for requesting time off.