Student-Led IEPs

Should your high school student be at their Individual Education Plan (IEP) meetings? YES! Students can offer a great amount of information that will help plan their school and future, but they are often left out of the IEP team meeting. So, what age should a student...
Common Special Education Terms

Common Special Education Terms

These are common Special Education terms and definitions. If you are trying to learn more, we are here to help! Disability: A condition recognized by the law. To qualify for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), students must have a disability that falls under one...

Summary of Facebook Live Q&A: IEP Questions

1/6/2021 Facebook Live Kate Martin, TN Dept of Education, Senior Director of Special Populations  Jen: Thanks everyone for joining the first Facebook live of 2021. She explains this is a recurring event on Wednesdays at 12:00 noon. This is...